Who Called Me From +528929951074

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First Name: Jeffrey
Last Name: Sanchez
Gender: male
Blood Type: A+
Street Address: 2016 Hickman Street
City: Schaumburg
State: Illinois
Zip Code: 60173
Country: United States
Email ID: JeffreyKSanchez@armyspy.com
Phone No.: +528929951074
Vehicle: 2000 Ferrari F1 2000
Birth Date: 1/28/1995
Mother’s Maiden: Rice
Tropical Zodiac: Aquarius
Occupation: Packaging and filling machine tender
Company: 63494448
Pounds: 179.1
Kilograms: 81.4
Feet Inches: 5′ 8″
Centimeters: 172
GUID: 34dbe74a-e516-49fa-9c89-efea0c76ba99
Latitude: 42.09367
Longitude: -88.113813